Friday, November 20, 2009

August 17, 2009 - Czech Political System and Dance Competition

Our afternoon class today was a presentation on the structure of the Czech government. I felt very provincial in knowing almost nothing about a parlimentary model with a prime minister and president. After the presentation and asking some basic questions, I do feel that I have some understanding of the differences. There are some similarities with the U.S. in the checks and balances of power, but the possibility of congress taking a vote of "no confidence" in the president and the cabinet officials is something that surely would have come in handy numerous times during the past decade.

This evening the dance class included some interesting competitions, one of which was holding an apple between your and your partner's foreheads and seeing who could dance the longest without the apple falling on the floor. This was a contest where having a sweaty forehead was a distinct disadvantage!

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