Saturday, March 14, 2015

August 13, 2014 - Lednice

Pre-school class out for a walk today with their safety vests!

Lednice with Lucie - the most visited castle in the Czech Republic. Even on a Wednesday, it was crowded. We were fortunate to get tickets for the main tour 90 minutes after our purchase, and there was plenty to look at in the grounds around the castle while we waited.

Lucie and I also had an espresso and dessert while we waited. I was visually interested in the tart I ordered and ended up still getting it, even though it was billed as "American apple pie!" I was too curious to pass it up. For readers who are not American, I added a photo of what Americans would consider apple pie!

Czech version of "American Apple Pie" as served here

American version of Apple Pie (from an internet photo)

The interior of the castle was spectacular with lots of carved wood trim and elaborate in-laid furniture. The highlight was a spiral staircase in the library carved from a single giant tree. (The photo of the staircase is from a book I bought.)


Hospital where Martin works

Brno brew pub with Martin. Still wimpy by Czech standards. Very happy after four beers!

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